Amethyst Yoga and

Healing with Kaye Oakley

Crystals to help you fire up for Summer!

Warm your heart, navigate the silly season and fire up your goals in the new year

Summer is nearly here! Time for long and languid days and (here in the Southern Hemisphere, anyway) festive nights. It’s the time when we have the most daylight as we approach the summer solstice, and many of us love getting out into nature and making the most of it. 


All this partying and celebrating can take a bit of energy – and crystals are here to help. Here are some of my favourite crystals for the season, and how they might support you at this time of year. This list is particularly focused on summer in the Southern Hemisphere, where the summer holidays also include the festive season and the end of one year/beginning of the next. 


As always, this is just my opinion – you’ll know what crystals are right for you. But if you’re looking for some ideas for crystals to help you navigate summer, I hope this gives you some great ideas. 



1.    Lodolite

Lodolite is also known as inclusion quartz or garden quartz, and you can see why – it often looks like it’s got a little garden, landscape or even seascape inside it. Essentially, it’s a form of clear quartz with extra goodies inside – these can be hematite, feldspar, chlorite and other minerals. So the inclusions can be in all kinds of colours – red, green, blue, brown, white, red … basically it’s a garden of possibilities.


It is seen as a powerful manifestation crystal, but with a gentle, calming energy (which is a good combination if you’ve a tendency to overdo getting into your goals!). 


So if you’re looking for a stone to help you manifest good things into the new year, lodolite might be a great stone to try.



2.    Tiger’s Eye

Feeling like it’s time to get things done moving into the new year? Maybe tiger’s eye can help.


Tiger’s eye is a stone that combines the grounded energy of the earth with the hopeful energy of the sun. It’s a great stone to support you to boost your confidence, courage and common sense. 


During times when you feel a bit scattered or spacey (which may well describe your summer holidays!), it can help you to become more grounded, coherent and down to earth.


I think of it as the ultimate stone for pragmatists who want to feel inspired and connected to source, but with their feet firmly on the ground. 

3. Chrysoprase

If you need a bit of crystal support being around family and friends this month, chrysoprase might be useful.


Chrysoprase has a variety of colours, but mostly around a kind of apple green. It can be opaque or quite luminescent. 


It is a stone of connection with the divine and feeling into wholeness and oneness. It’s said to help us to learn how to be faithful to our own hearts, truth and all of our relationships.


It’s a beautiful calming stone supporting an ability to look at things from a different and more creative perspective. It helps us to live in alignment with our values rather than acting impulsively. 


I find it a beautiful stone to support compassion and forgiveness – even of our very own selves.


4. Ocean jasper

If you’re getting out into the ocean during your summer vacation and are drawn to embodying the qualities of flowing water, ocean jasper might be a good stone to spend some time with. 


Like all jaspers, ocean jasper is grounding, and nourishing but it carries qualities of the water element as well as the earth.


To me, it’s the perfect stone to support me to go with the flow – but also to take responsibility for my own part in a situation.


It is said to support optimism, grounding, communication (helping it to flow!) and self-esteem.


And it’s good to just stare at the gorgeous stuff!

5. Unakite

Unakite is a great stone for the turning of the year, when we might be thinking about where we want to go, and what we need to leave behind.


Unakite can be lovely for integrating insight, moving on from the past and gently releasing blockages that are getting in the way of our growth. 


It goes to the root cause of an issue, bringing it to the surface for healing and transformation. 


It’s also said to be great for business partnerships and all of our relationships, healing and balancing the heart and mind.


It may not be the sparkliest, prettiest or shiniest of stones, but it’s a beautiful grounding, nurturing and healing stone.

6. Larimar 

Larimar is another lovely watery stone for beachlovers and all the rest of us.


It is a gentle, supportive stone that reminds us to flow with what is in any situation, and is nurturing at all levels. It’s a stone that can help us to stop resisting change, and flow into new possibilities. 


It is also a stone that can help us to calmly and clearly speak our truth – which can be an asset at times when we’re in potentially tricky social situations. 

7. Rose quartz

There’s no time of year that’s not great for using rose quartz, let’s face it.


It’s probably one of the most-loved crystals because of its connection with the heart. It can help us to foster unconditional love for others – and even ourselves. 


It has also been used traditionally to help us to find love which is in alignment with our best and highest good. I’ll be honest and say that this hasn’t happened for me, but frankly I haven’t been motivated to try very hard 😊


If you find it hard to stay connected to your heart in all the craziness of the silly season, keeping some rose quartz around might be just the help you need. 

8. Carnelian

I really love carnelian for Autumn too, but it’s a fiery stone that’s perfect for summer. 


Carnelian is a great stone for firing up our creativity, positivity and lust for life (and well, lust in general, actually). 


It’s a great stone for getting things done and for putting a fire under you. It can also help us to focus and concentrate while we’re trying to get those things done, too. So if you want to put a fire under yourself to get into some of your goals in the new year, carnelian could be a great choice. 

9. Citrine

This is another stone that is incredibly useful at any time of the year. I LOVE around the Winter Solstice because it reminds us of light at the time when the days are the darkest. But many would say it’s even better in summer. 


I love it all year round.


In summer, the energy of citrine is particularly resonant – it’s a stone of sunshine, hope and courage. As one of the few stones in crystal healing that doesn’t need cleansing or charging, it’s truly a light that never goes out. 

10. Sunstone

Which leads us to the ultimate stone for summer – sunstone! 


It may not be the most dramatic stone around, but it does what it says on the label 😊


This stone is said to bring light and sunshine to our hearts and helps us see the way. It can be used to help us to lift our spirits and helps us to connect with hope when we feel a bit hopeless. 


It has been used to help people who struggle to say “no”, to help them feel empowered and move away from codependency. 


It can help us to reconnect with self-worth and our own personal power.  This helps us to remember our own light, and that we are worthy to shine it out in the world. 


I hope you’ve found this exploration of crystals for summer useful! This isn’t remotely exhaustive, so if you’ve got any suggestions, I’d love to hear them. 


May your days be bright, your drinks cool, and your heart full of light this summer. 

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